Dauphinoise Potatoes

Classic Dauphinoise potato recipe, a great accompaniment to many main courses.

The easiest, but most dangerous, way to slice potatoes, vegetables and fruit is to use a mandolin. Be careful – always use the guard provided (and don’t do it like they do on Masterchef).

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Dauphinoise Potatoes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
  1. Pre-heat the oven to Gas 3 / 170C / 325F. Butter an ovenproof dish and line with parchment.
  2. Peel and thinly slice the potatoes with knife, peeler or mandolin. Place the sliced potatoes in a pan with the milk, cream, garlic, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Bring to the boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Carefully tip the potato mixture into the dish and arrange evenly, pressing down with a fish slice or spatula.
  3. Press the potatoes down with the fish slice and leave to cool, if not eating immediately. Once cool, cut into squares.
  4. Reheat uncovered for 30 minutes at Gas 4 / 180C / 350F. Carefully lift out of the tin using the parchment.
Recipe Notes

I use Charlotte potatoes because they don't break up as easily. Try to get large ones to save time. Pressing down the potatoes after the first cooking makes them stick together better, and cut better - easier to plate.

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