
The Village Hall Committee – Act II

My favourite Collington tree – I photograph it every year

Act 2

Scene: The Village Hall, January

Another committee meeting, this time in the committee room, where having now got up to speed with the set of The Vicar of Dibley, The Inner Circle sit on one side of the table, and The Riff Raff sit on a semi-circle of chairs gazing in supposed adoration.Read the rest

My Piano and other Instruments – Part 2

The piano under restoration

By the time it reached our house in Collington my old piano was in a sorry state: well over a hundred years old; multiple house moves; a hit and miss cleaning and tuning regime; and most recently the indignity of being hauled up in the air by an industrial crane, and spending 2 days at the back of a bundle of goods heading for the environs of Peterborough.… Read the rest